Check out Delete. Their myspace says they make "melodramatic popular songs", which naturally I like. I wish I could say that they are Phil Collins-esque but sadly I cannot make that bold proclamation. Another splash out of France's seemingly bottomless talent well. Formed just four months ago, the duo is made up by Simon Cachera and Pierre Novi. Apparently still unsigned, I hope they drop a record and play some festivals next summer. Pitchfork would be ideal. This track is called Sunk. It is a hell of a jam with some wicked processed guitars that remind me of the LA Guns n Bombs (www.myspace.com/gunsnbombs) sound, with a bit of flavor-of-the-month Danger thrown in. Visit their myspace for two more tasty treats - http://www.myspace.com/deletemusik
Delete - Sunk http://www.zshare.net/audio/6101045f46f4b4/
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