Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Weird Tapes

The rhythym change at 1:14 really sealed it for me. Weird Tapes = unstoppable. Check out a free zipped file of the Weird Tapes EP "Get Religion" on the Hail Social blog.
Weird Tapes "Nikki"

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

True Psuedo

This was unveiled by Missingtoof about 2 months ago but I kind of slept on it cos it was 8 weeks ahead of its time. I'm always looking for the future and this sounds like a 21st Century Guns N Roses somehow. Kind of a steady, building groove combining the best parts of house music and proto-punk with a dash of MSTRKRFT thrown in. Featuring the most sludge-like bassline I have heard in quite a while, here is definitive proof that bangers will be around a while.
True Psuedo "Eletone"

Thursday, August 14, 2008


With the highest fidelity sounds known to man, Los Hermanos bring the future out of the crumbled decay of Detroit. Check their new album:


And check the melody:

Los Hermanos "Quetzal"


Monday, August 11, 2008


Little did I know I could just sample the first five seconds of Junior Jack "Da Hype", loop it, call it 909, and all of a fudgin' I'm a house music producer. So here comes Disko Starz out of Los Angeles doing exactly that. Do you guys seriously think you can present this as your own track and not a 5 second looped snippet of Vito's 2003 club smash? But I must confess, I love JJ's velveeta processed cheese sound, and I wish he'd make another album. Also, I've listened to 909 over and over, I think Kerri Walsh is hot, and I almost considered going to art school.

Disko Starz "909"



Does anyone know how this magical Italian was able to create this song 30 years ago...apparently with a room full of wires and knobs that he somehow MacGyver'd together? He also did the Scarface theme, the theme to the 1984 Olympics, the score to The Never Ending Story, but my favorite is the track he wrote for Midnight Express - calling it before its time is like calling Michael Jordan a pretty good basketball player.

Check him out playing live on German TV 30 years ago:


Giorgio Moroder "The Chase"


Tuesday, August 5, 2008


More good things from Mexico, from Bufi, and from Le Touch blog. I really like Mexico City. They have the best food, incredible museums, and if taking the train around there at midnight doesn't bring the fear of God into you, nothing will. I went there in 2003 and its still the biggest city I've ever visited. The highlight of my trip was making friends with a chap about my age from Sonora and these two girls from Norway. We went up to his uncle's place in the mountains and rode horses and drank tequila, it was just beautiful. Then I made up this game where we would drink as many shots of tequila as we could without making a face following the hoist. I think I lasted about six rounds before I passed out on the floor of my new friend's place on the southside of Mexico City. Now that the Distrito Federal is blowing up musically, I think its high time to return - Chevy, 3 night trip this Fall?
Bufi "Endless"